Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What a weekend.

I have been so entirely busy with everything in my life at the moment, I haven't had a chance to sit down and take a breather.  Not that I really can do that now, even.  But I'd like to try.

I took a day off yesterday, in hopes that I would take a break from the world as I knew it. I was planning on waking up slow, making a Starbucks run, getting a mani-pedi, maybe go shopping and get a few things for my much anticipated trip to Hawaii at the end of Summer - but unfortunately...None of that happened. I had a much more interesting not-so-planned day off. I won't take the time to fill in the blanks, but lets just say that I ended up driving (yes in my poor car) home a very smelly hobo that had moldy muddy clothes from 3 days prior.  (My dad felt bad for him...I on the other hand, not so much especially since I think I have a permanent odor reminder that he rode in my back seat).  Unfortunately for Lucy, (that's my car) I am much too good of a person to turn down a good deed for someone in need.

Regardless of what my day entailed (and it was quite the eventful weekend), I ended up at Las Margaritas with my family, eating enchiladas and drinking beer.

Not exactly how I planned my day off to be, but I will inform you, I have returned my body to work (though my mind isn't quite there yet). Anxiously awaiting for 4:59pm Friday.

My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations. {John Green}

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